20 December 2014

Elementary Challenges

The new year is approaching and my mind is overwhelmed with the issues we need to tackle at South Side Elementary.  When did our teaching day become so full that we never have time to reflect on what is going well and what needs to be deleted, added or improved?

I have lots of questions that drive me crazy.  I hear the Frozen theme over and over...
               "Let it Go, Let it Go!"                   I want to let it go!

Am I so hopeful for positive change that I want to see it happen right now?  Are my expectations way too high for our extremely diverse population?  Where is our sacred PLC time?  Why aren't we progressing with PLCs?  PreAssessment, teach, post assessment?  Is the Iowa Core being implemented at H-D and in what classrooms?   What is our PD focus? Are we learning and adding to our teaching tools?  When should we expect to see a rise in student scores?  I wish I had a switch to turn it all off at 3:45.

We recently received the Iowa TLC grant which will supposedly prevent many jobs from being cut.  I've never been told which jobs were actually going to be cut?  Bus drivers? Associates? Cooks? Office staff? Administrators? Classroom teachers?   I assume classroom teachers, as TLC money can only be allocated to redesign current teaching positions.

I hope we can get our best teachers in positions where their expertise will be utilized.  It will take several of our best teachers out of the classroom.  That is not what I'd like to see happen but I trust we will find effective, quality teachers to fill the new gaps.   I assume we will have a quality candidate to lead this initiative and ensure that these new TLC teams receive quality training through the instructional coaching networks that the state has already established and have been hosting the last year or two.   I think it will be vital to have an administrator over seeing this.

My concerns are not about the positions or who will be in the positions.  My concerns are about the teacher's daily load.  How can one classroom teacher expect to cover so many, many things?   One of my favorite definitions....

Insanity:  Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

What does our data show? What are the trends?  Research states that it takes years and years for change to truly take place in the education system.  Why is this?  Time- Money- Communication-Energy?

At South Side we have a diverse population and this year we have about 150+ students that are in need of Tier 2 & 3 interventions in Reading alone.  Interventions must happen outside of our 120 minutes of literacy (120 is the time requirement found in the new ELI legislation)

We have begun many new initiatives in this area.  Comprehension lessons, independent reading, (students reading at text level based on Fountas & Pinnel), vocabulary, writers workshop, CAFE strategies, Daily 5 management system, guided reading, vocabulary specifically for our ELL students, and SIPPS (explicit phonics program).

All of these programs take over 1/2 of our day.  There is just enough time to squeeze math in.  Many of the pieces I just mentioned are best done in small group settings.  The average elementary teacher has about 12 periods to prepare everyday of the week.  This must be done after our students leave at 3:30.  (yes- our students are in our classrooms until 3:25)

Unfortunately over the next semester the classroom teacher must begin to filter additional things into their day.  Handwriting (printing K&1, cursive for 2nd&3rd) , keyboarding, Science and Social Studies.  All of which are not happening on a regular basis or in a uniform way.  Plus we must address the fact that Everyday Math is not producing the results we want to see in math.  We've begun to teach the Iowa Core Math standards which was the directive and has created gaps.  Another conversation that we haven't had time to address.

Anyone else a little overwhelmed?  What can we eliminate? How can our elementary  teachers receive common planning time?  How can we ensure prep time that will allow our teachers to plan quality differentiated lessons? How do we guard PLC time to ensure we truly are "doing" PLC as it is meant to be implemented.

 Do we departmentalize? Do we alter class sizes? Oh the questions that need to be addressed!

Kindergarten is going to North Side and now our ELL and Reading teachers will travel.  More questions to work through.  How will we continue to deliver SIPPS and guided reading groups?  How will we maintain our daily schedule because SIPPS and guided reading groups must be scheduled daily for all staff to be available at that time. Yikes,  I forgot to mention the new ELI requirements and the TIER site, weekly Progress Monitoring, and interventions that must be given to students each week.

What is my point?    I have said over and over and over (anyone listening???) .....we must work smarter not harder.   What is the data telling us?  What is best for the majority of our students?  Please consider  being a voice for our students and our staff.  It takes all of us to be actively involved.  Start thinking outside the box.  How can we make our elementary school day work more effective?  Can we begin to departmentalize?  Can our class list be put together better?  What can we cut out?

This week I heard a staff member comment that ignorance is bliss... Hmmm? Maybe?

The classroom setting is still my  favorite place to be.  I love seeing children learn and grow.  Education is a calling and it makes all the above stress worth it when you can see the smiling faces and watch their yearly academic growth.  School is the best place for many of our students.  Thank goodness for our staff that make their students feel like they are the most important part of our school!

I hope we all can follow Santa's advice for at least one day over break...... I know my plan is to shut off my computer and not think about school until after the first of the year.  I hope you can do the same and embrace the time with your family and friends.  Mrs. Speake

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