19 October 2014

Challenges Ahead

Do you know about the new literacy legislation in Iowa?   If you teach elementary students or have school age children, you need to know the requirements of ELI (early literacy implementation).  
Iowa Code section 279.68 and 281--Iowa Administrative Code 62 promote effective evidence-based programming, instruction and assessment practices across schools to support all students to become proficient readers by the end of the third grade.  General requirements of are listed below.  All requirements are expected to be implemented no later than August 1, 2014, unless otherwise indicated.
The early literacy legislation,  enacted by IA Code 279.68  
  • Provision of universal screening in reading for students in kindergarten through third grade  
  • Progress monitoring for students who exhibit a substantial deficiency in reading
  • Provision of intensive instruction (including 90 minutes of daily scientific, research-based reading instruction) for students who exhibit a substantial deficiency in reading (intervention must take place outside of the 90mins)
  • Notice to parents that a student exhibits a substantial deficiency in reading, including strategies the parents can use at home to help the child succeed
  • Notice to parents of such a student’s subsequent progress
  • Provision of an evidence-based summer reading program for students who exhibit a substantial deficiency in reading (Effective May 1, 2017)
  • Retention of any student who is not proficient in reading by the end of the third grade, did not attend the summer reading program, and does not qualify for a good cause exemption from the retention requirement (Effective May 1, 2017)

As part of this legislation, the Department of Education has developed the Iowa Tier site which supports the state’s MTSS program (Multitiered Systems of Support).  The legislation requires all school districts to administer a universal screening for all K-3 students.  The State chose the FAST assessments, which was developed at the University of Minnesota.  This screening is intended to identify students in need of additional literacy support.  The screening is administered three times per year in September, January, and April.  All students in Kindergarten Prep, Kindergarten and 1st grade will take the earlyReading assessment fall, winter and spring with 1st grade also taking the CMBReading in winter and spring.  Students in 2nd, and 3rd grade will take the CBMReading assessment in fall, winter and spring. 

South Side became a school in the state’s initial phase of using the Iowa Tier site in August of 2013.  As we began this new process of MTSS, it was suggested to move ahead with literacy changes slowly and analyze our student data to ensure we were providing a strong universal literacy curriculum to all students before we dive into interventions.  There were many areas of literacy that we enhanced over the last several years.   The Iowa Reading Research site is a wonderful resource to use as we improve and enhance our literacy instruction. Be sure to check it out.

We implemented our nonnegotiable document which states what literacy should look like in every classroom using the umbrella of balanced literacy.  One major shift was scheduling a 90 minute literacy block for every classroom.  We did this two years ago knowing it was best practice.  This year it is required by law. 

Unfortunately, the attitude of going slow to ensure improvement disappeared.  All teachers will need to begin using Iowa Tier for their students.  Each student not meeting the FAST benchmark will now receive progress monitoring weekly.  This will be done with a weekly assessment using the FAST system through the Tier site.  Students who show a substantial deficiency in an area of literacy, will be given an intensive intervention outside of the 90 minute literacy block.  Data will be recorded and if the student does not show progress a new intervention will then be required.   EVERY certified staff will be responsible in helping implement ELI.  This will mean art, music and PE teachers must be certified on the TIER site too!   

What is our next step? 
  • All teachers will access the Tier site & certify to administer the FAST assessment and progress monitoring tools
  • Develop our scientifically research-based interventions for K-Prep - 3rd grades (who, what, where, when, how)
  • Begin weekly progress monitoring all students that are below benchmark (in red)
  • Develop activities parents will need to do at home and communicate these requirements
This fall we began several interventions; a vocabulary program (Language for Learning) and a phonemic awareness/phonics program (SIPPS).  In addition, EVERY classroom has a form of small group reading instruction, such as guided reading.

PLEASE read the legislation requirements and know what this will mean for our district.  The link will allow you to download the Early Literacy Guidance document.  It is informative and it has a great FAQ section.

Science has known for years that the most vital time for brain development is birth to age 8!   I love to use the house building analogy for teaching literacy.  Every builder will tell you the most important part of building a house is laying a quality foundation.  The foundation allows the house to stand strong for hundreds of year.  I do believe the state has declared the importance of early literacy.  

Happy Reading, 
Mrs. Speake s


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